Friday, February 12, 2016

What Ive learned from Cam Newton

#randomhashtag lol

 Its myself again. Soooo, just in case you've been living under a rock.Image result for hiding under a rock gif Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers lost the Superbowl after having a phenomenal year. And I'm sad....

HAHAHAHA!!! (ugliest cry ever)

And oh my did people create a stir! Cams a sore loser, he should've dived for the fumble, Beyoncé is crazy, Bruno mars can dance!?!?
Yea we get it... lots to talk about. But most people didn't see what I saw in all this. And this is WHAT I'VE LEARNED FROM CAM NEWTON.

I DO WHAT I DO BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN IT. Not I'll do it because you believe in it. He said, "If I did what you wanted me to do all the time, I wouldn't be living for me, Id be living for you"

See, "Stadiums are built for spectators. But statues a made for champions. "

EVERYBODY has something to say. But at the end of the day the only people who paid the price to take pride in that moment was the players and the performers. Others only paid ticket cost to witness it.
 ***Check this out***
Spectator, spectacle, Spectacular, Inspect, Respect, Perspective...notice anything? The prefix "spect" or "spic" is a latin word which means "to see."
 Spectators are just lookers who report from their perspective. What they see, and how they see it. And since they haven't developed the champions consciousness. They will always see it from this warped, lazy, "if that was me" kind of view.

BUT WHEN YOU DECIDE TO BE A CHAMPION. You become strong enough to attain this special skill. Where you are able to take incredible amounts of criticism, ridicule, and hatred and here's the best part................NONE OF IT MATTERS.

Matter is anything that takes up time or space. So  CALLING ALL HATERS NEAR AND ABROAD! Remember this nothing you say or write matters. Only what you do.

Have the courage to stand up and be your yourself with complete disregard to negative people.
Don't conform to what "they" say is permissible.

When the wright bros created the airplane haters thought it was crazy.
Haters said oprah wasn't tv qualified.
Michael Jordan didn't make the team in 9th grade.
People laughed at starbucks.
People will laugh at you.........WHY?
Because people hide within that group. They are afraid. So you being bold to stand out on your own subconsciously challenges them, and they want to try and call your bluff.

But you my little champion.... have a special place in history, in the record books, and in my heart.
 As I wrap this up I want to not only thank you for reading, but I would like to challenge you to make the decision TODAY. To live a life worth bragging about. And even though you'll be hated and talked about. Do it anyways and let your haters know "I did it with you in mind."

Mr.Bad Punctuation
Malcolm Brown

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