Question: What Is Conformity?
Mrs. Vanpoodleshire stepped out of class so Ill take on little jonathans question...
Conformity involves changing your behaviors in order to "fit in" or "go along" with the people around you. In some cases, this social influence might involve agreeing with or acting like the majority of people in a specific group, or it might involve behaving in a particular way in order to be perceived as "normal" by the group. Source: Psychology.about.com
Lets focus in on the "perceived as normal" part.
While watching Dr. Phil one day. he had a segment on called "is that normal?"
A guy presented a scenario based on his behaviors and asked at the end, "Is that normal?"
Dr. Phil's answer was genius. He said, "there is NO SUCH THING AS NORMAL. The moment your behavior conflicts with your desires then you are behaving abnormally. But there is NO SUCH THING AS NORMAL."
I believe people use the cloak of "normality" in order to feel safe, secure, or being content with "fitting in."
Look at the term "fitting in."
I get the picture of an elevator full of people. Going up to the 23 floor, and it stops at the fourth floor to pick up the big guy with duck shoes and a ketchup stain on his white shirt. And the fact that he has these extra thick glasses on makes it even more annoying. Because he acts like he cant see that this elevator is FULL...smh. So instead of waiting he squeeeezes in, and puts the elevator 10lbs over the 3000lb weight limit. Now you're scared because there are TOO MANY PEOPLE IN HERE.
Conformity is you squeezing, choking, minimizing, suppressing who you REALLY ARE. All because you're trying to "fit in."
There are some many children and mostly adults LOST in being cool...trying to "fit in."
So many people have lost themselves in marriages because they're trying to "fit in"
Countless people have died without leaving a significant impact on this planet all because they tried to...smh you get the point.
So my prayer for you TODAY is that you UNLEASH YOURSELF. And in the words of Mr. Jarrod Wilkins. "Give yourself permission to be the true, authentic, you."
Because after all YOU are the only YOU that we have. What a shame to see the only one we have vanish right before our eyes all because someone didn't have the guts to say, NO!!! To this little drug called conformity.
There's more room to be yourself. There's more than enough for you to create and become the person you want to be. You don't have to be stuck on a job you hate. So many people are STUCK! Because they are afraid of bills. "Because the lights will be off." "My phone and internet is going to get cut off." Until you are willing to give EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. You will NEVER become ALL that you want to be.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Did that help class?
Thanks for reading.............................................................................................................Sincerely,
Malcolm Brown
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