I go to schools and talk with children and I ask them, "What do you want to do with your life?"
And they'll reply with the most amazing answers. "I want to be a ballerina. I want to be an astronaut. (gasp) I want to be a ballerina in space."
SIDE NOTE: Lol it's confirmed that I have issues because I literally just pictured a ballerina on the moon in a space helmet and leotard. Aaaaany who....
After asking that question to all these students, for all these years. NOT ONE has ever said that they didn't want to be anything. Here's what that tells me.
THAT SUCCESS IS INNATE. Meaning that you were born with some idea and desire of making some sort of impact in some sort of way. But somehow school, negative people, and media convince us that "Life is what it is."
Life is what you make it. Life is the recipe you create through your daily habits. QUESTION??? If your life is the "main dish." And I were to indulge in your life (lol eat your life). Would I be eating healthy. Would I be doing my body any good?
As I come to a close, I want you to sit down and reflect TRULY who you are. Don't lie to yourself. If you're a procrastinator, liar, etc...Be honest...Recognizing is the beginning to healing. After you've done that. Sit down and LITERALLY WRITE out the person you want to be.
When you get hired at a job or enroll in school. They give you a CODE OF CONDUCT. In essence, "when you are here...this is how you behave. This is who you are." Don't be willing to do that day in and day out for someone else and not yourself. Write out your own personal code of conduct and begin to live it.
Lastly! Its not about a "big I little you" attitude. Its about sharing information, growing through situations, and showing where we can be, and who we can be TOGETHER....AND THAT MY FRIEND IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT.....GO WIN!
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