Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lets BREAK it First!

Do you find this scenario weird?

You have an expensive product. Lets say its a car. You take the time and money to build it. The engine, brakes, transmission...the whole nine. You spend thousands of dollars on leading research, material, labor, etc. And you finally finish your beautiful creation.... Aahhh!!!! Now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.


You have to wreck it first!

Why in the world do automobile companies RUIN their products before selling them?
 They take it and put it on roads with holes, ice, and water. Drive it through simulated storms with high winds. Run it into walls and big boned people with high powered scooters. WHY SO MUCH TORTURE?

These companies understand that in order for this vehicle to meet the standard to serve other people. It first has to be tested. They will create random extreme situations to see if this car can hold up and protect their customer.

So what does this have to do with you?

No matter who you are. We all have problems, issues, and obstacles. The winds may be high in your life right now. The road that you're traveling on may be rough. It might be a little slippery. But guess what? Its all a quality assurance test.

See you will constantly be in touch with people. And Your life will either be AN EXAMPLE OR A WARNING to those people. How you handle these tests will determine if you are qualified to help, lead, and inspire others.

I just want to take a brief moment to encourage you buddy. I've been to the point where my life was a baby with a bottle....IT SUCKED! I hated myself. I wanted to quit. I wanted to kill myself. How can I possibly go on? I've lost loved ones. Almost lost my life in a car accident. Businesses failed. Lol you get the point? But those tests that I went through qualified me to be able to stand here and encourage you with CONFIDENCE.

You can do this. I believe in you. I dare you to take a deep breath and scream to the top of your lungs, " I CAN CHANGE ANYTHING!"
You must cause a RADICAL SHIFT in your consciousness to zap yourself out of fear. Out of the victim mentality...


Understand you are being quality tested. Your test becomes your testimony.
Thanks Again!
The Inspovator
Malcolm Brown

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Dark Side of Success

You see it!
...Right there in your face.
The two story houses with the garage big enough for five cars. The clothes, ladies, and jewels. The "carefreeness"...the so called "success."
While he's at this upscale dimly lit bar surrounded by smiling and laughing "friends." A young lady whispers to her friend, " giiirrrl, look at his watch." He catches them glancing and holds eye contact for a moment. As he slowly leans back in his seat sipping his vodka martini on the rocks. Coincidently the valet comes up and says, "Mr. Brown, your car is ready." As he hands him these shiny keys to his new Porsche. He then gets up, looks over once again as he slowly blinks, nods his head in a way as to say, " farewell ladies, enjoy the evening." Then he proceeds to walk off in slow motion while buttoning his Hugo Boss suit jacket.



Like all things success has a DARK SIDE.

There's a lot of sleepless nights. Deep pains that we cover up with smiles. Insecurities that we fight at every moment. We get hyped and motivated. We are strong and seemingly bullet proof, but some of those shots get through. On our knees, alone, crying, at night in those times when no one is looking. Close relationships cant get any farther away at times. Finding out that you meant more to me than I did to you. Not because they're better. But because they refused to see me as the champion I am...Just blatantly RUFUSED.
The fact that they walked away is not the problem. Its that I cant turn back because I chose this path. And I chose to win. Looking back stops progress. But you promised to be here.

But we wake up early and GRIND anyways. Yeah we've been shot. Yes we've been abandoned. Of course we hurt. But we continue LEADING WHILE BLEEDING.

I remember crying one night as I watched my children sleep. Feeling like a failure. Couldn't take them anywhere that day because I didn't have the money to even get a burger. While my mom was down stairs locked in a room on a cold winter night with the heaters broken. Living off food stamps. Child support on my back. Name ran into the dirt by my ex.

But me in my seed season. The dirt was exactly where I needed to be. My mentor Jarrod Wilkins always told me. "You're being planted not buried."

 Look at the irony of that. Even though you may be at your lowest point in life. I hope this reaches you at the perfect timing. Please understand that "You are being planted and not buried."
It's not over! You have work to do! Pick yourself up with BOLDNESS AND SURITY.

If you don't like how it feels there in that state. GET UP! DUST OFF!! FIGHT BACK!!!

You must NOW have what I call the "bet it all on black" moment. Like in the movies when you're in Vegas, all odds are against you. You are down on your luck, but you have nothing to lose, and you bet it all on black. Because this is the point where it HAS to work.
There comes a time when you believe in yourself so much that you are willing to take everything you have even if you think its not enough and you do it anyways.

Yes there's a dark side to success as I've mentioned. But its only there to put it in the proper perspective. The light wouldn't be appreciated with out the darkness. Health wouldn't be appreciated without days of sickness. Success is sweet tasting and should be glamorized. After all you've fought through it would be a slap in the face to be seen as the people who have chosen to be mediocre. Its simple, not easy. If it were easy everyone would do it. If everyone did it there would be nothing special about it

In closing, Thanks once again. I know where you are, and see where you are going. Even though I don't know you personally. I still believe in you. Here is the picture of success.


Malcolm Brown

Friday, February 12, 2016

What Ive learned from Cam Newton

#randomhashtag lol

 Its myself again. Soooo, just in case you've been living under a rock.Image result for hiding under a rock gif Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers lost the Superbowl after having a phenomenal year. And I'm sad....

HAHAHAHA!!! (ugliest cry ever)

And oh my did people create a stir! Cams a sore loser, he should've dived for the fumble, Beyoncé is crazy, Bruno mars can dance!?!?
Yea we get it... lots to talk about. But most people didn't see what I saw in all this. And this is WHAT I'VE LEARNED FROM CAM NEWTON.

I DO WHAT I DO BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN IT. Not I'll do it because you believe in it. He said, "If I did what you wanted me to do all the time, I wouldn't be living for me, Id be living for you"

See, "Stadiums are built for spectators. But statues a made for champions. "

EVERYBODY has something to say. But at the end of the day the only people who paid the price to take pride in that moment was the players and the performers. Others only paid ticket cost to witness it.
 ***Check this out***
Spectator, spectacle, Spectacular, Inspect, Respect, Perspective...notice anything? The prefix "spect" or "spic" is a latin word which means "to see."
 Spectators are just lookers who report from their perspective. What they see, and how they see it. And since they haven't developed the champions consciousness. They will always see it from this warped, lazy, "if that was me" kind of view.

BUT WHEN YOU DECIDE TO BE A CHAMPION. You become strong enough to attain this special skill. Where you are able to take incredible amounts of criticism, ridicule, and hatred and here's the best part................NONE OF IT MATTERS.

Matter is anything that takes up time or space. So  CALLING ALL HATERS NEAR AND ABROAD! Remember this nothing you say or write matters. Only what you do.

Have the courage to stand up and be your yourself with complete disregard to negative people.
Don't conform to what "they" say is permissible.

When the wright bros created the airplane haters thought it was crazy.
Haters said oprah wasn't tv qualified.
Michael Jordan didn't make the team in 9th grade.
People laughed at starbucks.
People will laugh at you.........WHY?
Because people hide within that group. They are afraid. So you being bold to stand out on your own subconsciously challenges them, and they want to try and call your bluff.

But you my little champion.... have a special place in history, in the record books, and in my heart.
 As I wrap this up I want to not only thank you for reading, but I would like to challenge you to make the decision TODAY. To live a life worth bragging about. And even though you'll be hated and talked about. Do it anyways and let your haters know "I did it with you in mind."

Mr.Bad Punctuation
Malcolm Brown

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

So whats it all about?

     Raise your hand if you want to be lame, unexciting, boring, monotonous, predictable, stagnant, weak, scared, defenseless, not taking action, subjective to whatever life throws, (takes deep breathe) overweight, out of shape, dumb, ignorant, so smart that youre dumb, in pain, broke. tired, feel like life is wasted, and just plain old BASIC!


     I go to schools and talk with children and I ask them, "What do you want to do with your life?"
And they'll reply with the most amazing answers. "I want to be a ballerina. I want to be an astronaut. (gasp) I want to be a ballerina in space."
SIDE NOTE:   Lol it's confirmed that I have issues because I literally just pictured a ballerina on the moon in a space helmet and leotard. Aaaaany who....

After asking that question to all these students, for all these years. NOT ONE has ever said that they didn't want to be anything. Here's what that tells me.
     THAT SUCCESS IS INNATE. Meaning that you were born with some idea and desire of making some sort of impact in some sort of way. But somehow school, negative people, and media convince us that "Life is what it is."
Life is what you make it. Life is the recipe you create through your daily habits. QUESTION??? If your life is the "main dish." And I were to indulge in your life (lol eat your life). Would I be eating healthy. Would I be doing my body any good?
     As I come to a close, I want you to sit down and reflect TRULY who you are. Don't lie to yourself. If you're a procrastinator, liar, etc...Be honest...Recognizing is the beginning to healing. After you've done that. Sit down and LITERALLY WRITE out the person you want to be.
    When you get hired at a job or enroll in school. They give you a CODE OF CONDUCT. In essence, "when you are here...this is how you behave. This is who you are." Don't be willing to do that day in and day out for someone else and not yourself. Write out your own personal code of conduct and begin to live it.
     Lastly! Its not about a "big I little you" attitude. Its about sharing information, growing through situations, and showing where we can be, and who we can be TOGETHER....AND THAT MY FRIEND IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT.....GO WIN!

Friday, February 5, 2016




Question: What Is Conformity?

Mrs. Vanpoodleshire stepped out of class so Ill take on little jonathans question...

Conformity involves changing your behaviors in order to "fit in" or "go along" with the people around you. In some cases, this social influence might involve agreeing with or acting like the majority of people in a specific group, or it might involve behaving in a particular way in order to be perceived as "normal" by the group.     Source:

Lets focus in on the "perceived as normal" part.

While watching Dr. Phil one day. he had a segment on called "is that normal?"
A guy presented a scenario based on his behaviors and asked at the end, "Is that normal?"
Dr. Phil's answer was genius. He said, "there is NO SUCH THING AS NORMAL. The moment your behavior conflicts with your desires then you are behaving abnormally. But there is NO SUCH THING AS NORMAL."

I believe people use the cloak of "normality" in order to feel safe, secure, or being content with "fitting in."

Look at the term "fitting in."

I get the picture of an elevator full of people. Going up to the 23 floor, and it stops at the fourth floor to pick up the big guy with duck shoes and a ketchup stain on his white shirt. And the fact that he has these extra thick glasses on makes it even more annoying. Because he acts like he cant see that this elevator is FULL...smh. So instead of waiting he squeeeezes in, and puts the elevator 10lbs over the 3000lb weight limit. Now you're scared because there are TOO MANY PEOPLE IN HERE.

Conformity is you squeezing, choking, minimizing, suppressing who you REALLY ARE. All because you're trying to "fit in."

There are some many children and mostly adults LOST in being cool...trying to "fit in."
So many people have lost themselves in marriages because they're trying to "fit in"
Countless people have died without leaving a significant impact on this planet all because they tried to...smh you get the point.

So my prayer for you TODAY is that you UNLEASH YOURSELF.  And in the words of Mr. Jarrod  Wilkins. "Give yourself permission to be the true, authentic, you."

Because after all YOU are the only YOU that we have. What a shame to see the only one we have vanish right before our eyes all because someone didn't have the guts to say, NO!!! To this little drug called conformity.

There's more room to be yourself. There's more than enough for you to create and become the person you want to be. You don't have to be stuck on a job you hate. So many people are STUCK! Because they are afraid of bills. "Because the lights will be off." "My phone and internet is going to get cut off." Until you are willing to give EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. You will NEVER become ALL  that you want to be.

Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Did that help class?

Thanks for reading.............................................................................................................Sincerely,
                                                                                                                                        Malcolm Brown

Monday, February 1, 2016


   A couple of years ago during a break up with an ex of mine. I ran across some of her close friends at the store. We were pretty close to each other like literally three feet apart. I spoke, looked directly in their eyes, stopped waited for a response. But I guess my invisibility powers were on point that day because they walked RIGHT PAST ME with out speaking or acknowledging me in the slightest. hmmm...that's interesting? I felt like john cena for a moment. LIKE HELLOOOO! "You cant see me?!?

      I thought I was close with these people. A simple break up shouldn't make people act different towards me. After all I didn't break up with you. I broke up with her. Aaaaaaaaaaany who...
     Some months down the line. We rekindled the flame and resumed our relationship. And that particular couple ran into some life hardships that we all go through and had to stay with, guess who? That's right>>>> Mr. Invisible<<<<
     It was awhile before I even brought up the situation to them and asked them what that was all about. They began to tell me the things they were told. With HUGE alligator sized chunks of information missing...Story looked like a donut....but I digress.
    So we talked, story got filled in, they apologized, we moved on. Till this day still have love and respect for them.

   1. Be Careful how you treat people based on what you were told. Their story(perspective) contains their prejudice. Just like in court both sides should be heard to determine the truth.
    2. Lies told on you serve as seeds for your credibility in the future. Heres what I mean.
The truth is the truth regardless of your belief. It WILL ALWAYS COME OUT. When that happens your integrity in that persons mind will get a HUGE boost. And the word will spread from them to everyone they lied to...about you.
    So my people When you're lied on, talked about, and ridiculed. Just remember that you have two UNDEFEATED ELEMENTS on your side. TIME and TRUTH.

REAL  CHARACTER is how well you treat the people you DONT like.

Matthew 25:4040 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

                                    Thanks for reading                                    Sincerely,
                                                                                                             Malcolm Brown