Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Breaking News!!! Snake People Discovered


     I know its creepy, but it's no fantasy these snake people exist. Id like to call them Sneople lol. Greek mythology depicts it as Medusa. The BEAUTIFUL snake lady.
 Not only do they exist in the jungles of southeast Asia. Nor are they restricted to the caucus mountains of Europe. They live on every continent and there are millions of them. They may live next door. They may be in your inner circle. Jesus had one as his disciple. His name was judas. The story says, he was the man who betrayed him, and sent him to get beaten and killed brutally. Not by hitting him, nor by pointing him out and cursing him. But by walking up to him, and kissing him. Sending an innocent man to experience the worst brutality; with a sign of intimacy. They may be at your job posing as friendly coworkers. Some people are snake people and wont own up to it. A snake person is a poisonous person. Someone who through any possible physical, emotional, logical, or even legal avenue; injects their slow acting venom of doubt and disbelief into the new born vision you see for your life.
     How many times do you look out of the window at work and day dream? Fantasizing about an exciting life where you are truly in control. Where the burden of freedom is lighter than the neck shackles of slavery and conformity. The life where working hard for your legacy is the most satisfying. Instead of being demoralized as another person tells you when you're "allowed" to eat, take a break, and go home. You begin to see yourself enjoying the fruits of your labor as you relax under palm trees in the Bahamas. Sipping on your coconut beverages with the yellow umbrella sticking out of the top. Your mind is empty as you're watching the crystal clear waves crash against the shore.
     DING! All of a sudden your cell phone alerts you of an email. You're in no rush to check because you know what this particular, DING! means. But you decide to check anyways. When you look, you see an email alerting you of money that's been deposited into your account. You smile and put your phone back down. You sigh as you chuckle inside and fold your arms behind your head. Because in that transaction you received in a day, what you used to make every two weeks. AAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! The good life.
     Then out of all this built up passion and excitement you begin to tell your coworker your dreams of owning not just your own business. But finally owning your life and time. Living a free life on your terms and not just a prisoner of bills and job obligations. Plus, you really cant stand your power drunk, not so super, lack of leadership skills supervisor anyways.
     Your coworker looks at you as if you're talking about aliens and conspiracies. He begins to talk to you in this "yeah right," condescending tone. He's toying with the only thing you hold dear. And out of the simplest, thoroughly schooled(he has 34 degrees and he's proud of it), and most uninspired part of his mind he begins to articulate this very sincere and popular lie or "dogma ."
     He begins to tell you that your dreams are too big. Everything that you don't have. All the reasons you cant do it. Just relax, be logical, and keep your day job. He's just as passionate negatively as you are positively. All I'm saying is watch out, he's one of the sneople, and that's the poison.
     I have traveled and spoken with a lot of audiences and have been in my fair share of classrooms. I often ask the kids, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Funny thing is I have yet to hear a child say that they didn't want to be anything. This tells me simply that the desire for purpose and greatness is an innate character trait. On the other hand mediocracy is taught.
     Lets imagine if you will, millions of children. Even trillions since the earth has been alive. All having dreams and visions. Then all of a sudden they run into a snake person. Whether they show up in the form of a friend, cousin, teacher, aunt, uncle, stranger, and in many cases their own parents. How many dreams and inventions that could've changed the world have been killed over the centuries? My purpose for this article is to simply say. Enough is enough.
     According to Myles Munroe, the richest place on earth is not in Dubai, times square, or the oil fields across the world. But its in the graveyards and tombs that house and hold prison the unreleased potential. Our ears long for the unwritten songs. Our eyes crave to see their unexpressed dances. Our lives in one way or another are experiencing the emptiness of their uncreated inventions. You can't afford to die with it in you.
     Snakes either poison or choke their victims. So snake people will operate in one of those two ways. You must break away from them. No matter the history or emotional attachment. Obviously you cant kick someone out of your family. But there must be a season of separation. This is all done to protect your dream. Your dream is an infant that needs you to be strong. Imagine a woman and her baby. No matter the threat. She will stand up and fight. To tigers and bears even. I remember having to defend my dream against my dad. Although he was coming from a place of love and logic. Giving me the take the safe road speech. I noticed that his innate instinct to protect his son. And the advice he gave me was tainted. It was actually fear wrapped in logic. You should look at the intentions behind the advice given to you.
     How many people are swallowing advice from friends and loved ones; hook, line, and sinker. And their advice has no intention to add to you. Its sometimes envy wrapped in logic. Sometimes fear wrapped in logic. Most of the time its their hidden selfishness, wrapped up so cuddly tight and served to you as love and care. Like a freshly baked kolache, that perfectly conceals the sausage and cheese on the inside. Oooh! Or my favorite, freshly made turkey wraps. With both of these, you have to trust the preparer totally. I would hate for someone to squirt poison in my wrap or burrito. Lol or even scarier, put a thumb tack in my turkey wrap. Poisonous people do just that with their advice and comments that are rooted in the soils of malicious intent.
     So here are a few ways to tag and identify these little critters. Look at them as newly released prisoners and put a proverbial "ankle bracelet" on them. They've been in bad environments and you cant just trust them to roam freely around your dreams. Definitely not without containing them and knowing where they are at all times. So here we go.
     1.Do they Have Results? If you want to start a business. DO NOT and I REPEAT... DO NOT ask a person, friend or family member for advice, who doesn't have proven results. That's like asking a chef how to build a house. Ig they have no results and they try to advise you not to get any. THATS A SNAKE.
     2. Are they Success minded. Most of our friends and family are content being normal. Their ok with clocking in, paying bills, and going to jobs they hate. So for you to come with all your energy, zest, and new ideas. You my friend have stirred up the waters. And snakes swim in the still waters. Don't bring your high dreams around low thinking people. SSSSSSS!!!!!!
     3. Are they Going Anywhere. There's a scripture in the beloved bible that says, "How can two walk together. Unless they agree?" This means, You should be in an environment of people that are driven. Be in cahoots with people that will stand in faith with you and help you fight for your success. The people that fight against your direction of progress are SNAKES.
     To wrap it all up guys, just be cautious of who you share your dreams with. Be careful of the company you keep. You cant choose your family. But you can choose your friends. In the words of Bo Eason, "Eradicate anything in your life that is not focused on excellence." But the initial process of launching yourself attracts the defense. Be ready to fight. Be ready to protect your dreams against those tricky, loving, knowledgeable, bad intention having, sweet, close, family, friends, and frenemies that look like humans. But the are nothing more than SNAKES.

Thank You For Reading!
Malcolm Brown

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