I go to the gym faithfully. About 4-6 days a week. I'm what you call a gym rat and I'm proud of it. Its an interesting place when you think about it. You have a building full of people that are here to experience pain and fatigue. We actually have a term when we are doing our reps. Its called going for failure. Lol its a building full of crazy people to the unmotivated. But we understand that the only way to get the results we desire is through this avenue of hard work. Tearing down the muscle gives it an opportunity to grow back stronger. We understand the first thing about failure.
1. Failure is the Building block of Success.
Failure is an experience not an event. When you understand that. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING! can get you down. Ultimate failure is several wrong things being repeated over a period of time. Success is doing several things right over a period of time."Cake is made with flour. Clothes are made of cotton. Success is made of failure." Malcolm Brown
So take that experience learn from it and go back again. Speaking of "going back again" this leads to my second point.
2. Failure Builds Character
I once heard Les Brown say, "Persistence is being able to go from failure to failure without losing your zeal." Character is not what you say when people are watching. But how you think and what you do when the door is closed. When you meet with temporary defeat. You get this unique chance to face yourself in the mirror. To REALLY see how tough you are. Are you willing to go at it again when everything is against you. All the eyes and laughs. The border line insanity. Being so magnificently obsessed with succeeding that you will stop at absolutely nothing. When life takes the knife and starts carving on you and peeling back the layers. When the projection of who you think you are is gone. And the real you is exposed. That's your character. The real you.
"God will only bless who you are, Not who you pretend to be." Jarrod Wilkins3. Failure Raises the Value of Achievement
If I gave you a football and told you to go to the nearest football field. Then instruct you to simply walk across the goal line. Is that a touch down? Absolutely NOPE!
Its not a touchdown until the defense is on the field. And you overcome and outsmart your opposition to still achieve. The opposition places value on accomplishing because you remember all you had to do to get it. I wrote more on this in my The Dark Side of Success blog. In essence, if it were easy everyone would do it. And if everyone did it. There would be nothing special about it.
In closing, You were created for success. So these things in your life are only happening to strengthen and edify the champion in you. At the end of the day we take everything that was supposed to destroy us, And use that same thing to help us win. While our enemies laugh, and some of our friends and family stand by without supporting, and the world turns its back on you. We take all that pain and get a reward from it.
Go Win Anyways!

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The Inspovator
Malcolm Brown
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