Monday, March 14, 2016

3 Things Failure Does for You

     Its said that Thomas Edison failed over 10,000 times while creating the incandescent light bulb. But the interesting thing was his perspective on his experience. He says, 'I have not failed. I've just found 10000 ways that won't work." What is your perspective on failure? For most people it's the end all be all. Their story stops and they cower into submission. But for people like us it's a totally different joyous experience.
     I go to the gym faithfully. About 4-6 days a week. I'm what you call a gym rat and I'm proud of it. Its an interesting place when you think about it. You have a building full of people that are here to experience pain and fatigue. We actually have a term when we are doing our reps. Its called going for failure. Lol its a building full of crazy people to the unmotivated. But we understand that the only way to get the results we desire is through this avenue of hard work. Tearing down the muscle gives it an opportunity to grow back stronger. We understand the first thing about failure.
1. Failure is the Building block of Success.
"Cake is made with flour. Clothes are made of cotton. Success is made of failure." Malcolm Brown
     Failure is an experience not an event. When you understand that. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING! can get you down. Ultimate failure is several wrong things being repeated over a period of time. Success is doing several things right over a period of time.
     So take that experience learn from it and go back again. Speaking of "going back again" this leads to my second point.
2. Failure Builds Character
     I once heard Les Brown say, "Persistence is being able to go from failure to failure without losing your zeal." Character is not what you say when people are watching. But how you think and what you do when the door is closed. When you meet with temporary defeat. You get this unique chance to face yourself in the mirror. To REALLY see how tough you are. Are you willing to go at it again when everything is against you. All the eyes and laughs. The border line insanity. Being so magnificently obsessed with succeeding that you will stop at absolutely nothing. When life takes the knife and starts carving on you and peeling back the layers. When the projection of who you think you are is gone. And the real you is exposed. That's your character. The real you.
"God will only bless who you are, Not who you pretend to be." Jarrod Wilkins
3. Failure Raises the Value of Achievement
      If I gave you a football and told you to go to the nearest football field. Then instruct you to simply walk across the goal line. Is that a touch down? Absolutely NOPE!
Its not a touchdown until the defense is on the field. And you overcome and outsmart your opposition to still achieve. The opposition places value on accomplishing because you remember all you had to do to get it. I wrote more on this in my The Dark Side of Success blog. In essence, if it were easy everyone would do it. And if everyone did it. There would be nothing special about it.
     In closing, You were created for success. So these things in your life are only happening to strengthen and edify the champion in you. At the end of the day we take everything that was supposed to destroy us, And use that same thing to help us win. While our enemies laugh, and some of our friends and family stand by without supporting, and the world turns its back on you. We take all that pain and get a reward from it.

Go Win Anyways!

Thanks again for reading. If this helped you in anyway. Don't just be greedy lol...Please Like and Share with your friends so we can add value together. Feel free to Visit my website and subscribe for more great upcoming content and products.
The Inspovator
Malcolm Brown


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

3 ways to Have Peace Now!!!

     Just relax. From your head to your toes. You feel all tension leaving your body. You are totally engulfed in the moment. Peace and relaxation is all around and within you.

     Sometimes you need to relax. And at all times be at peace. But what is peace?
      According to Webster peace is freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession, etc.; tranquility; serenity.

     There was a teacher in class with her 4th grade students. She says, "ok class! I want you to draw happiness." So in excitement the class began to take their crayons and pencils and take to the paper. As the kids drew the teacher walked around asking the kids about their art work.

     She walked by a little girls desk and saw all these bright pretty colors and said. "Emily that's beautiful! What is your drawing about?" Emily replies, Its my Mom, and my dad and my brother and my doggy and were on the beach and we're having fun.
She then walks by Carlos' desk. "Carlos what are you drawing?" Carlos replies. "Its me and my dad playing football in the park."
   The teacher then takes a trip to the bad kids desk. Every teachers anger zone. The back of the class. DUM..DuM..DUUMMM!!!
She sees little Malcolm. He has dark colors a lot of purple and black and dark blues. She sees this bare tree and rain. He even has one little scared bird in the picture with words coming out its mouth. So now the teacher is thinking there is something going on at home or this kid just might be crazy. So she asked, "Malcolm, what are you drawing?" He replies "Well there's a storm going on and the bird is in the tree whistling. Because happiness is when you can still whistle in the storm." The teacher began to immediately understand my next point.
     Peace is NOT circumstantial. Being at peace is continual no matter how bad times get. I will not worry or go to war with myself. Your confidence rises up within you. Allowing you to take brave action. And draw on all the resources you have in order to overcome that obstacle.

Here are three ways you can become a master at maintaining your peaceful nature.

1. Forgive the past.
For a little while I blamed myself for my families condition. Blame places a burden. It slaps this sloppy wet judgement on a person due to a situation. I then took responsibility for it. In that shift I was able to respond accordingly and handle that situation.
What happened. Happened. You cant change it. God cant even go back and change it. So why burden yourself with the blame. Dissect not what happened, but how you can grow from it.
Forgiveness empowers you and allows you to be bigger than what happened.

2. Gratitude for Now.
Being thankful for this very moment. It took hundreds and thousands of years to make this very moment. Appreciate it. This moment is unique far past our understanding. You can never reenact this moment. Even with your greatest actors.
You have tools to create your future. Gratitude allows you to be conscious of what you have and how to use them. In the words of Bishop I.V. Hilliard, "People don't lack resources, they lack resourcefulness."
Being thankful for EVERYTHING adds a level of virtue to you that cant be measured. So right now. The problems and all. Say thank you.

3. Design your Future.
Awaken that champion side of you. The part of you that can do, create, and be ANYTHING!  The obstacles don't matter. Your nature is to conquer. So take the fuel of past pain. Then the tools you have now. Design and build the life you desire.
Here's the deal. The mind you have has gotten you here. Now to get there, you NEED a different mindset. You have to grow. Seek the information needed. Connect with those that have the expertise. Surround yourself with your future. Become engulfed with your idea of success.

Thank you for reading. You're more than AWSOME! Do me a favor and check my website Enter your email and be the first to get upcoming content and product specials. At the end of the day my goal is to add value to your life anyway possible.
Mr Inspovation
Malcolm Brown

Friday, March 4, 2016

You Need your Brainwashed!!!

Put your finger over your lips!
Be quiet!
Walk in a straight line!
Sit down!
Its lunch time so EAT!..."But I'm not hungry!"
                                                "Eat anyways!"
Raise your hand!
Color inside the lines!

Here's my point. Since a very young age we've been taught to just FOLLOW ORDERS.
Now I do understand order and structure.

Has order been so jammed down our throat, that we don't have room left to indulge in our creativity?
For most people this is true.
Its said that the American school system came from an idea of the ancient Prussians. Who felt they lost a war due to their soldiers being free thinkers and not FOLLOWING ORDERS.
Here's a great quote from a Forbes article on the American school system. "America’s last competitive advantage — its ability to innovate — is at risk as a result of the country’s lackluster education system," according to research by Harvard Innovation Education Fellow Tony Wagner.

This article goes on to expound on the fact that the drive and ability to do creative thinking and innovate. Is being drowned in basic and for the most part useless information.

You're being taught to repeat, what they want you to repeat.
For example: What did Christopher Columbus discover?

The truth is NOTHING. He never reached America. And how could you possibly "discover" a place where people already live? You cant! Its like me coming into your house and say, I "discovered" your kitchen. Lol

Now if the test question was the one above. And a smart kid gave the true answer. That question will be marked WRONG on the test. Not because it was false. But because they didn't say what was taught. Sounds like the classical art of conditioning,
Image result for mean teacher meme

Pavlov made a great observation. Dogs can be trained to know when its time to eat by just using bells consistently at a certain time every day. After awhile the dogs began to salivate at the sound of the bell even if there was no food.
Through school we've been trained by the bell. 
Ding! First period....Ding! Second period... Ding! Lunch...etc as we grow older the school bell turns into an alarm clock. 

Ding! Wake up...Ding! Time for traffic...Ding!!! The job I hate starts...Ding! take a break...Ding! Get back to work.

Has our creativity been smothered? Is the true you being covered in an attempt to have the masses of people to (Ding!) "just follow orders?"

Now here's my take on things.
Yes have order. Have discipline. Have structure.
Be WILDLY creative, joyful, full of love for what you do.
Color outside the lines for Peetsake. Have the courage to challenge the path you've been told and hypnotized to take.

You need your brainwashed!!!! Lol! This time, in the water (philosophies) of your choosing.

You ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE! You know that right? You WILL die one day. You know that right? And what you do this life. Echoes in eternity. You know that right?!?!

Remember that next time you put bills before your dreams. We all have them. We all have troubles. But Champions take the same reasons that peons (someone of low rank) use to quit. To go and WIN ANYWAYS!

Thank you for reading. I hope it helped in some way. Do me a favor and like and share this just one time. You never know who will need this.

The Inspovator
Malcolm Brown